
金沙注册学院(澳门金沙注册)的终身教职过程是一个为期5年的过程,其根源在于七个基本原则 Competencies of a Valencia educator. In each year, candidates produce deliverables and receive formative feedback as they progress through the process.

要回顾金沙注册关于授予终身教职的政策声明,请参阅政策  6 hx28:3e-02

的 5-year tenure process at Valencia is mapped out in the following diagram. 这 is an overview for everyone involved including candidates, deans, and panelists. A 考生可以在TLA资源中澳门金沙注册每年更详细的解释 画布空间.

5-Year 任期内过程 Infographic

的 5-year tenure process at Valencia is mapped out in the following diagram. 这 is an overview for everyone involved including candidates, deans, and panelists. A 考生可以在TLA资源中澳门金沙注册每年更详细的解释 画布空间.

Tenure Milestones Infographic

这个图表是候选人每年的路线图,总结了主要的里程碑 在这个过程中.

AMP - 分析 of My Practice (Year 1)
ARP - 行动研究 Project (弗洛1, Years 2-3)
CAT - Classroom Assessment Technique
弗洛 - 教师 Learning Outcome
ILP - Individualized Learning Plan (Year 2)
IRB - Institutional Review Board
SLO - Student Learning Outcome
TLA - Teaching Learning Academy
TRC - Tenure Review Committee
TVCA - Think, Value, Communicate, Act


Year 1 - Self-Reflection

Year-1是考生开始自我反思过程的起点 自己的指导,并开始确定具体的学生需要,可以解决 throughout the tenure process and eventual ILP and Portfolio development. 

分析 of My Practice (AMP)

对于微教学(MT),考生将设计和实施一个课程,利用 active learning and classroom assessment techniques. 这 process showcases the principles of backwards design, which requires alignment between learning outcomes, teaching 策略, and assessment techniques.

分析 of My Practice
实践分析(AMP)是候选人集思广益的机会 reflect on their professional strengths and needs. In this deliverable, candidates 是否会对他们的专业优势和需求进行评估,并确定 a 教师 Learning Outcome (弗洛3) to address one of their professional needs. 候选人 还将头脑风暴额外的教师和学生的学习需求,通过多个 镜头. 候选人 will reflect on the Essential Competencies covered in the Year-1 研讨会. Lastly, candidates reflect on their Micro-teach experience. 候选人 从他们的院长、TLA协调员和学生那里澳门金沙注册关于他们的AMP的形成性反馈 TLA导演.


Year 2 - Student Need

In Year-2, candidates work on an individualized professional development plan. 的 计划应基于真正的需要和愿望,以改善教学,辅导或 librarianship while keeping in mind departmental needs. 的 learning outcomes should 直接联系候选人的专业实践,同时考虑到教学方法 和纪律. 

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)
个人学习计划(ILP)是由候选人合作制定的建议 和他们的院长. 的 plan spells out what the candidate wants to learn, achieve, or 包括两个或三个教员学习成果 (红花). One of these 弗洛s includes an 行动研究 Project (ARP). 这是预料之中的 金沙注册教育工作者的全部或大部分基本能力 demonstrated through the accomplishment of the 教师 Learning Outcomes. 一旦 在ILP小组会议期间批准了ILP,候选人可以继续进行 implementing their 弗洛s.

在Year-2,候选人的院长召集了一个由终身教职员工组成的小组 guide the candidate through the tenure process. 的 panel consists of tenured faculty from both within and beyond the candidate's discipline and campus. 的 candidate submits 在ILP小组会议之前,将他们的ILP提交给院长和小组,以及小组成员 take time to review the plan.

的 ILP小组会议 has two components. First, the candidate speaks on their understanding 七项基本能力,并说明每项基本能力如何 manifest in their current practice. Second, the candidate, panel, and dean discuss ILP的优势和发展领域,专家组要么批准,要么提供帮助 the candidate to modify their 弗洛s based on this feedback. 一旦 弗洛s have been 批准——或修改并批准——候选人可以继续实施 他们的弗洛项目. 


第Year-3-研究 & 分析

在第三年,考生将加深对所有七项基本能力的理解 并实施他们的基于教师学习成果的教学 策略. 他们 will draft the relevant sections of their research-based 投资组合, 使用独立教学计划中已获批准的教学大纲,并纳入专家小组、教学大纲促进者的反馈意见; and other TLA consultants.


第三年的作品集是候选人弗洛实施策略的文件 在ILP中概述,以及重要的结果,反思性的批评和反思 on the Essential Competencies. At the beginning of Year-4, this 草案组合 is presented to the candidate's panel for formative feedback.


Year 4 - Submission

在四年级,考生将继续加深他们对所有七个基本的理解 Competencies of a Valencia Educator and reflect on their teaching practices. 他们 将在秋季提交他们的投资组合草案,以澳门金沙注册小组的反馈,修改 it based on the feedback, and submit the Final version in the Spring. 此外, 候选人将为继续服务制定并实施高级实践计划 去大学.

草案组合 Panel Meeting
最后的组合 Panel Meeting
Advanced Practice Plan

草案组合 Panel Meeting
二年级的小组在四年级重新召集,审查候选人的作品集草案 and recommend revisions during a live panel meeting led by the candidate's dean. 的 小组会议通常遵循对话模式,其中小组成员和 候选人进行思想交流,目的是完善候选人的思想 投资组合.

最终作品集是反映反馈的经过修订的综合作品集 and recommendations from the panel's report in Year-4. 的 行动研究 Project (ARP)在最终作品集应上传到画布共享存档 and dissemination across the college.

最后的组合 Panel Meeting
这 is a synchronous meeting attended by the Panelists and Dean. 请注意 the candidate does not attend this meeting. Prior to meeting, the Panelists and Dean review the 最后的组合. During this meeting, the attendees ensure that any sections 在作品集草案中被认为不可接受的部分已得到修订,现在是可以接受的 评级. 据此,小组成员和院长使用最终作品集报告表来确定 if the overall Portfolio is acceptable. In order to move into the Tenure Review Process 在Year-5,候选人的最终作品集必须被大多数人认为是可以接受的 of the Panel members.

Advanced Practice Plan
高级练习计划是一份概述额外需求的文件 either students, the college, the discipline, or the community. 该计划描述了 how the candidate will advance their practice in the service of the college. 后 提交方案时,候选人咨询院长批准实施.


Year 5 - Reflection

Year-5 is the final year of the tenure process! In Year-5, candidates will submit a reflection on their Advanced Practice. In addition, candidates will continue to 发展金沙注册教育工作者的基本能力并应用所学知识 throughout the tenure process.

Advanced Practice Reflection

Advanced Practice Reflection
《澳门金沙注册》解释了考生如何通过以下方式提高他们的实践水平 特别强调候选人的成长和对学生、学院、学校的贡献 discipline, or the community. 的 reflection is submitted to the dean for review, discussion, and approval.



Tenure Review Committee
终身教职评审委员会由两名教员组成,由候选人提名 部门. 他们 are not the same faculty as those who served on a candidate's panel. 储税局参与对合资格候选人任期前的总结性评估 记录并提供书面评论和总结,以供院长参考 making a recommendation. 的 TRC’s primary role is to review information relative 候选人的表现,并就部门推荐向院长提出建议 tenure for each candidate.

Recommendation for Tenure
当成功完成投资组合过程和负责任的专业人员保证时 绩效,这两个组成部分最终在对候选人的评估中完成 任期审查委员会(TRC)的任期前工作,然后提出适当的建议 从院长到地区教务长/副校长,到大学校长,再到校长 to the District 校董会 (DBOT).